Implants consist of several types, each of which performs certain functions, which indicates the versatility of the implants of this manufacturer. Of the four dental implants, you can choose the one that is ideal for a particular case.

The structure and surface quality of implants is one of the key factors in achieving optimal osseointegration. Numerous studies have proven the effect of these characteristics on the processes of post-surgical healing and tissue growth directly on the implant surface. After 5 years of intensive scientific research, AlphaBio Tec has developed an exceptional micromechanical and biological surface NanoTec , which is applied to implants of almost all of its systems.

The NanoTec TM surface is the result of a multi-stage process, which essentially consists in sandblasting the implant body with a titanium oxide powder consisting of particles from 20 to 40 microns in size followed by double thermal acid etching to achieve microporosity from 1 to 5 microns. This surface structure NanoTec enables the absorption of blood directly in micropores immediately after implant placement. This increases the reliability of the attachment of fibrin filaments to the implant surface in the resulting blood clot, which, in turn, is the key to the guaranteed development of contact osteogenesis. Thus, the NanoTec surface, being actually a catalyst and a direct participant in the process of osseointegration, improves the quality of integrative communication.

Alpha-Bio implants are equally used for implanting teeth in all sections of the upper and lower jaw, can be installed with a bone height of only 2 mm, which allows them to be used in conditions of low bone density or low density resorting to operations to build bone mass. Some types of Alpha-Bio implants can be installed immediately after tooth extraction and allow immediate loading, in cases where urgent restoration is necessary, for example, if the patient, in view of the characteristics of professional activity, cannot remain with gaps in the dentition.

Clinical evidence indicates that Alpha-Bio Tec implants provide 98.3% clinically successful results with a standard surgical protocol and 99.6% success with immediate functional load.

The Alpha-Bio system is convenient and logical in operation, which provides the implantologist with additional guarantees in ensuring high-quality implantation. But with all the obvious advantages of the system, the price of implants remains acceptable for a wide range of patients.

We also install implants of the following brands: