Main Types of Nobel Implants
Depending on the individual characteristics of jaw structure and each clinical case, there are several types of Nobel implants that differ in their purpose and shape.
- Nobel Active – designed for the most complex situations. It can be used for prosthetics of both front and molar teeth. Its special shape guarantees a high level of primary stability.
- Nobel Replace – a system consisting of four types of implants suitable for any cases. They mimic the shape of a tooth root, ensuring reliable abutment fixation.
- Nobel Zygomа – allows for the restoration of upper molar teeth by integrating implants into the cheekbone without the need for sinus lifting, reducing the burden on the body and the risks of complications, while significantly reducing treatment time without compromising its reliability. This manipulation requires the highest qualification of the dentist but is performed with the least tissue damage, which is particularly important for preserving the health of older patients.
- Nobel Speedy – due to the TiUnite coating and structural features, the implant quickly stabilizes in the bone and fully integrates in a very short time.
- Branemark System – the world’s first classic dental implant construction made of titanium, developed by the company’s founder and modernized multiple times using the latest technologies.
Features of Nobel Zygoma Jaw Implantation
This method falls under express-load protocols with non-removable dental prostheses. Gradually increasing the chewing load, within just 3 weeks, the patient can eat without restrictions. For the procedure, implantologists use elongated and thickened cylindrical pins, 4-6 cm long, made of the purest titanium, reaching the cheekbone. This stabilization method makes it impossible for the upper jaw prosthesis to shift and, most importantly, completely eliminates the risk of perforating the floor of the maxillary sinus with implants of classical shape. This allows for the elimination of abscess risks in cases of severe gum recession in patients who have suffered from adentia of the upper teeth for a long time. The Zygoma method’s special features are speed, efficiency, and the absence of the need for expensive bone grafting, where replacement materials are used to provide the necessary gum volume for classic implantation.
Four pins are required for prosthesis support. In cases of normal gum height in the front area, regular 2 screws are inserted, and in the distal areas, 2 long screws are placed at an angle of 30-60° to bypass the sinus. In critical situations, exclusively zygomatic implants may be installed. Angular abutments with screw fixation are used for alignment, if necessary, and can be mounted on vertical supports.

In the computer program, the doctor models the entire process, from implant installation to prosthesis. The zones for pin insertion are selected based on the jaw’s anatomical structure. In addition, the specialist makes a jaw impression using a soft polymer and assesses the accuracy of pin insertion, completely eliminating any risks during actual installation. The procedure is performed according to pre-developed templates that guarantee the accuracy of the angle and depth of the pin’s installation.
The Zygoma method involves two stages of prosthetics. Immediately or on the 3rd day, the doctor installs an adaptation prosthesis on a rigid frame for splinting and stabilizing the pins. After osseointegration, the construction is replaced with a permanent one. For prosthesis on implants, any materials may be used according to the patient’s preference, from metal ceramics to zirconia or E-max pressed ceramics.
Creating jewelry work requires professionalism. Implantologists-surgeons and orthopedists have undergone practical training and are licensed to perform Zygoma implantation surgeries. Their reviews and photos of completed works serve as proof of their expertise. Schedule an appointment with a dentist today and receive a comprehensive plan for Zygoma implantation!