Nylon dentures: design, types, method of fastening

Nylon is a soft material, a type of plastic. A flexible framework is made from it, to which artificial teeth are attached. The price, duration, complexity of the production of the structure depends on the number of missing teeth, the condition of the jaw and other factors. They also determine the type of nylon prosthesis that the doctor will select for the patient:

  • complete – for people who have no complete dentition;
  • partially removable – in the absence of two or more (adjacent) teeth;
  • single – when there is no one tooth (sometimes – two adjacent).

The design of removable dentures made of nylon includes clasps. These are fasteners, when installing the product, they tightly clasp healthy teeth near the gums. Clasps are also made of nylon, and therefore, unlike metal counterparts, they do not damage the “support” when chewing, are removed without much effort, are not felt in the mouth.

Nylon dentures are installed for a period of not more than five years, but according to some reviews, sometimes they are changed after two to three years of use. The service life can actually be lower than declared, as it depends on factors:

  1. compliance with care recommendations;
  2. regularity of visits to the dentist;
  3. the rate of bone atrophy (in humans, it is different).


Suitable for people with:

  • loss of one or more elements of the dentition;
  • chronic gum disease;
  • lose all elements of the upper or lower dentition;
  • other prosthetics are not possible due to the risk of serious injury;
  • the inability to use analogues from other materials due to allergies (to metal, acrylic).

A removable nylon prosthesis will be a good alternative if the patient does not want to grind healthy teeth for subsequent prosthetics. This measure is often needed when installing other products, such as bridges.


This type of removable prosthetics will not work:

  • people with severe atrophy of the jaw bone;
  • overhanging gingival crest;
  • very mobile gums.

Also, a nylon prosthesis will not be possible to install on the upper or lower jaw if the end elements of the dentition are out of reach.

Care tips

Take care of the product daily. To avoid the accumulation of microbes and bacteria on the structure, it must be rinsed after each meal. This can be done with boiled water or a special aseptic solution. The latter can be found in the pharmacy, where you will also need to buy a special brush and paste (your usual hygiene products will not work).

Daily cleaning will help get rid of hard deposits, plaque. After it, the product must be placed in a disinfectant solution.

Every week you need to carry out deep cleaning – a half-hour ultrasonic bath. Every six months, you should seek professional cleaning at a dental clinic.

Removable nylon dentures: pros, cons

Prosthetics using nylon structures quickly became popular due to the following advantages:

  • lack of discomfort, metallic taste, as the design does not contain metal elements;
  • the tooth frame is difficult to distinguish from real gums, even in a close-up photo it will be difficult to notice the difference;
  • despite its softness, this polymer is very durable, and therefore its products are suitable for patients whose professional activity is associated with the risk of injury;
  • nylon is a hypoallergenic material, products from it are suitable for people with sensitive gums;
  • suitable for people with small and large defects in the dentition;
  • does not absorb moisture, does not accumulate bacteria that cause bad breath and other oral problems.

The disadvantages include:

  • long production due to the need for careful adjustment to the features of the jaw;
  • the need for constant, thorough care (otherwise the risk of rapid wear, caries, unpleasant odors increases);
  • high cost associated with the complexity of manufacturing structures.

Another disadvantage of this prosthetics method is the increased elasticity of nylon. Because of it, the load created by chewing is transmitted to the mucous membranes of the prosthetic bed, eventually causing atrophy of the jaw bone, pain, and a decrease in the height of the gums.

This can be avoided if you visit your dentist regularly. The Dudko & Sons dental implant center in Minsk offers its services for the manufacture, installation, and monitoring of the condition of nylon dentures in Minsk, we have the best prices in the capital.

Our technicians create nylon prostheses in our own dental laboratory, use only certified materials that have passed the necessary clinical trials. To learn about the manufacture, installation and prices of dental nylon prostheses in our dental center (Minsk), call: +375 17 334 9165; +375 44 545 0910; +375 33 355 6458. You can make an appointment online on our website.