Forms of the disease

Acute – as a result of the accumulation of pus, which, pressing on the accumulation of nerve endings, causes paroxysmal pains that extend to the part of the head where the lesion is located. Attacks can last from 15 seconds to several minutes. Teeth become sensitive to mechanical or thermal influences. If you do not intervene on time, the inflammation will become chronic.

In the chronic form, its course is not so noticeable, the patient will feel only slight discomfort and the appearance of bad breath. Without therapy, complications such as flux formation, the onset of the inflammatory process in the jaw bone, damage to the facial nerve, and even blood poisoning may appear.

Therefore, in order to avoid such results, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first manifestations of the disease. With timely professional assistance, it is possible to restore the functions of the tooth, remove the focus of infection and relieve pain. A specialist can diagnose pulpitis already at the initial examination. Sometimes, to determine the scale of the lesion, X-rays and electrodiagnostics are prescribed. This is necessary to exclude the presence of other pathologies that have similar symptoms.

Treatments for pulpitis

Biological – is aimed at the complete conservation of pulp and its functions in the root canals. This is possible only in the reversible phases of the process, when there is no deterioration. Indications for this method of treatment include: pulp hyperemia, crown fracture with a slight opening of the pulp in the first hours after the injury, accidental opening of the pulp in the treatment of deep caries, if there were no symptoms of pulpitis.

Treatment is carried out by applying a special paste. If it is not possible to thoroughly clean the affected area, make an indirect coating of the affected tissues, if the pulp is exposed completely or partially, then make a direct.

The main steps in implementing this method:

  1. Full anesthesia.
  2. Isolation of a tooth with a rubber dam or sterile rollers, removal of affected areas of enamel and dentin.
  3. Conducting disinfection of the exposed area with drugs.
  4. Degreasing and drying.
  5. Installation of gaskets and seals.

The surgical method is based on the removal of pulp tissue, partially or completely. The decision is made taking into account the stage and extent of destruction.

It distinguishes the following approaches:

Vital. The pulp is removed in one visit under local anesthesia with disinfection of the root canal system and their filling. Permanent or temporary fillings are possible.

With the devital method, the pulp is removed in two stages. At the first produce:

  • Anesthesia.
  • Opening the tooth cavity to access the inflamed area.
  • Applying devitalizing paste for temporary filling for up to two weeks.

In the second:

  • Anesthesia as needed.
  • Removing a temporary seal.
  • Pulp removal with special tools.
  • The canals are treated with an antiseptic, dried and sealed.
  • A control x-ray is taken.
  • A permanent seal is established.

Pulpitis treatment in Minsk in our dental center “Dudko and Sons” – doctors with extensive experience and high-quality equipment will quickly save you from inconvenience.

If you have pain, it is worth delaying a visit to the dentist. In Minsk for dental treatment, you can contact our clinic “Dudko and Sons”. Indeed, even if it seems that the external dental tissues are intact, pulpitis can develop inside, and this is already a serious inflammatory process. Our experts will provide you with all the necessary qualified assistance, using the latest equipment and quality products.