Advantages clinic
- The centre is equipped with new diagnostic and medical equipment.
- The competence of doctors allows for surgical treatment and implantation according to international standards with a guarantee for work.
- Certified materials and drugs minimize the risk of complications and rejection.
- A comprehensive approach to treatment, the preparation of an individual program for each patient, allow us to predict the result.
- New generation anaesthetics block nerve receptors and provide painless treatment.
- Loyal prices for sinus lift in Minsk attract people from neighbouring countries.
- Various payment methods, the possibility of applying for an instalment plan using the “Shopping Card” make the service available to the public.
The cost of sinus lift
The price of sinus lift in Belarus depends on the type of operation, the number of implants, and diagnostic measures. The final amount is determined by choice of osteoconductive material, creating the conditions for the rapid proliferation of cells with subsequent differentiation and tissue formation. If instead of a synthetic collagen matrix, a donor flap of the mucosa (autograft) is used, the costs increase significantly. The price of sinus lifting starts from 450 BYN

Types of sinus lift
Sinus lifting (from lat. “Sinus lift”) is used exclusively for correcting the size of the upper jaw in the distal section. There are four types of operations:
- closed;
- open;
- balloon;
- ultrasonic.
The surgeon selects the technology based on the assessment of the condition of the maxillofacial apparatus, the height of the gums.
Indications for the operation:
- progressive resorption, periodontitis, or periodontal disease;
- anatomical structural features of the maxillary sinus;
- age-related changes are leading to lowering of the floor of the maxillary sinuses, friability of the bone.
All methods restore the size of the alveolar bone and create optimal conditions for dental implantation. Also, they solve the problem of pulling the chin forward, caused by a reduction in the distance between the upper and mandibular canal due to bone resorption.

Stages of sinus lift
Preparation for sinus lift in Minsk begins with a diagnostic. Patients are prescribed computed tomography of the sinuses, panoramic image (OPTG). Based on the results, the surgeon and orthopedist create a 3D model of the operating field and navigation patterns with guiding vectors for implant placement. A unique program helps to calculate the amount of bone material and virtually coordinate all actions. Preparatory measures to a minimum reduce the time of surgery, the period of rehabilitation, prevent transplant rejection.
Closed sinus lift with implant placement
This method is used in dentistry with a gum height of 8 mm. The atraumatic way is considered to be endoscopic surgery, which allows to increase the jaw by 4 mm. Replanting is performed through a puncture, where bone-plastic material is introduced. Then, at the bottom of the sinus, a thickened base is formed, screws are installed, provided that there is no:
- anatomical abnormalities;
- mechanical damage – perforation of the Schneider membrane;
- inflammation in the maxillary sinus.
Stages of closed sinus lift

1. Access formation

2. Lifting the sinus

3. Adding bone material
Open sine lifting
The operation is carried out with a catastrophic deficit of tissue volume (5 mm) in 5 stages. For this:
- The jaw is anaesthetized, periodontal tissues are exfoliated.
- Drill a bone with a mill.
- Through the side window, the instrument lifts the maxillary bottom.
- Space is filled with osteoplastic material and rammed.
- It is sealed with a resorbable membrane for speedy osseointegration, a gingival flap and carefully sutured.
After ten days, the doctor removes the stitches. In most cases, the sinus lift is combined with the installation of dental structures. In particularly severe cases, when the bone height does not exceed 1-2 mm, a two-stage implantation of the teeth is carried out. After 4-6 months, an incision is made, a gingiva former, titanium implants are inserted, prosthetics are performed. In an alternative, during surgery, titanium plates are used to block the penetration of the implants into the interior.
Stages of an open sinus lift

Gingival incision

Raising the maxillary sinus sheath

The introduction of bone material

Implant placement
Balloon sinus lift
This is one of the most gentle methods for building the upper jaw, avoiding postoperative oedema and hematomas. The principle consists of 4 steps:
- Using a spiral cutter form a shaft.
- Inside set mandrena (rod) and fixed tightly with a sleeve to the mucosa.
- A catheter with a silicone balloon is inserted next, and a sterile solution is pumped under pressure.
- The swelling vessel gently peels off the membrane and forms a pocket. It is filled with bone material, and then implants are inserted.

Ultrasonic Sinus Lifting
The technique was created in 2007 along with a set of nozzles for the operation. The essence of this technique is as follows:
- The use of a piezoatom instead of a milling cutter ensures the safe formation of a bed for implants.
- Then the nozzle is changed and, using ultrasonic hydrodynamic cavitation, the membrane lining the bottom of the sinus is lifted.
- Filler is placed in the formed pocket and single-phase implantation is performed.
All types of operations take no more than half an hour. Upon completion of the work, the doctor gives detailed recommendations for caring for the oral cavity and nutrition. Throughout the recovery period, he provides the necessary assistance.

Closed sinus lift using ultrasound – video:
Restrictions in dentistry there are absolute and relative. The first include:
- insufficient blood clotting;
- the proximity of the maxillary bottom to the upper jaw;
- cardiovascular pathology;
- connective tissue disease;
- malignant tumours.
To the second:
- inflammatory gums;
- infectious, ENT diseases, including rhinitis and sinusitis;
- nasal polyps;
- multiple partitions and adhesions in the sinuses;
- decompensated diabetes mellitus;
- the presence in the history of surgery in the maxillary sinuses.
In our centre, bone volumes are being increased for patients with osteoporosis and receiving bisphosphonates. Before surgery, the doctor cancels the drug for three months, prescribes a maintenance course. In 96% of cases, sinus lift is successful.
Before and after photos


How much is a sinus lift?
The cost of sinus lift is calculated individually, since each case is unique, and the doctor calculates the exact amount at the first consultation. Before the sinus lift, the surgeon studies the structure, density, mass of bone tissue, selects bone-forming material. A ready-made surgical template with spaced implants is sent to the laboratory for the manufacture of a plastic stereolithographic model. All these measures determine the price of sinus lift in Minsk dentistry. The price indicated on the website is indicative and starts from 1,000 BYN. Sign up for a consultation with our dentist and get detailed information.
How to build bone gum tissue?
In order to build up the gingival bone, it is necessary to raise the maxillary sinus through a puncture or incision in the jaw and introduce a graft compatible with biological tissues. He creates the desired volume, allowing the introduction of titanium screws 10 mm, creating conditions for resistance to occlusal load and restoring the functions of the jaw. The technology enables sinus lift immediately after tooth extraction, implant placement with immediate loading, provided that the gum was initially 5 mm high.
How long does the gum heal after sinus lift?
Gingival healing after sinus lift can be divided into two stages. The first is the process of active healing, that is, the restoration of soft tissues – from 10 to 14 days. The second stage lasts from three to four weeks and begins after the active first stage. After this time, all the consequences of the intervention of the surgeon become invisible to the patient.
You can eat two hours after the operation, while the food should be soft and warm.
As for the installation of implants, it all depends on the type of bone tissue and the individual characteristics of the body. With an open sinus lift, you will have to wait about 3-5 months until the artificial bone takes root. When transplanting blocks, the period is less than about two months.
Sign up to the dental implantation center online or call the numbers +375 17 334-91-65 or +375 44 545-09-10 . The consultants will tell you how much the ulug costs on the “Shopping Card” , how to pay for the services, and schedule a visit.
Regular special offers and promotions help patients of the clinic save on aesthetic correction. Make an appointment right now and entrust the solution to the problem to professionals. Our address: 17 Masherova Ave., E-mail: