Tooth Extraction – Prices

The price of tooth extraction depends on the complexity of the operation and the type of anesthesia used. A simple procedure is considered when you can grab with forceps and immediately extract the tooth from the alveolus. Access to the impacted teeth is limited, it is necessary to open the gum and apply sutures. The task is even more complicated if the roots are curved or located close to the branches of the trigeminal nerve.

Tooth extraction price list:

Tooth extraction type Price (USD)
Removal of a tooth from 35 до 70
Extraction of a wisdom tooth from 55
Tooth extraction with ultrasound 95
Extraction of a milk tooth from 25
Extraction of a tooth of the third or fourth degree of mobility from 10
Removal of a partially impacted tooth from 60
Root apex resection
Without the cost of bone material
from 45
Removal of cysts or exostosis from 25
Prices are current for May 2021

Indications for removal:

The need for emergency removal arises in case of acute pain usually caused by purulent inflammation or abscesses in the dental canals. In the case when the tooth is no longer subject to conservative treatment or is of no functional value, or in case of a longitudinal split of the tooth, the surgeon will prescribe its removal.

Indications for extractions of teeth in an emergency and planned order:

Emergency Planned
Acute periodontitis
if it cannot be rationally localized by resection
Wrong position of the wisdom tooth
Fracture of the root of the tooth in the canal Extra (supernumerary) teeth or their rudiments
Longitudinal splitting of the crown part For the placement of implants or prostheses
as indicated by an orthopedist
Injuries with exposure of the neck of the tooth To install braces
as indicated by the orthodontist
Chronic periodontitis
aggravated by complications
Severe periodontitis with 3-4 degrees of tooth mobility
Soft tissue abscess Destruction of more than three quarters of the tooth crown
Acute pulpitis
when the preservation of the tooth is no longer advisable
Removal of cysts or exostosis

Contraindications to tooth extraction

In some cases, doctors recommend refraining from removing:

  • Acute oral infection;
  • During menstruation (due to poor blood clotting);
  • In some acute stages of diseases (myocardial infarction, hypertensive crisis, infectious diseases);
  • When taking medications that reduce blood clotting (such as cardioaspirin);
  • In the first and last three months of pregnancy;

Types of tooth extractions in Minsk

  • Complete tooth extraction – the entire organocomplex is removed along with the tooth root (s);
  • Tooth resection – only the apex of the root is removed, with a cyst or granuloma located on it;
  • Tooth hemisection – one root is removed in a multi-rooted tooth, while preserving the dental crown.

How does the procedure?

In simple extraction, the tooth is pulled out using forceps or elevators that swing the tooth back and forth, rotated around the axis until the periodontal ligament is sufficiently destroyed and the supporting alveolar bone is sufficiently compacted and expanded. Then the tooth becomes sufficiently mobile and is removed. This procedure takes up to fifteen minutes.

In case of dificult extraction, a multi-rooted tooth is cut to separate the roots of the tooth in order to carry out the removal of its parts in stages.

When it is impossible to directly access the crown of a tooth, closed by a mucous membrane or bone, an autopsy of soft and hard tissues is performed. The tooth is either removed by an elevator, or it is also divided into pieces by the osteotome and removed in parts. If necessary, sutures and a bone substitute with a special membrane are applied. In this case, the process will take from one and a half to one and a half hours.

Recently, the technique of piezosurgery, or ultrasound tooth extraction, has also been used. This is a more gentle method compared to the traditional one, because gives less complications. our clinic is equipped with the appropriate equipment for this procedure.

Tooth extraction video

Recommendations after removal

It is necessary to explain what processes occur during healing so that you better understand the doctor’s recommendations. A blood clot forms in the socket of the extracted tooth after 20-30 minutes, which is necessary to protect the body from infection. After a week, the hole will be completely covered with a new layer of epithelium. And after another two weeks, the soft spongy bone will close the holes of the removed roots.

  • Never remove a blood clot from your wound;
  • Do not rinse the wound without a doctor’s recommendation;
  • Completely refrain from drinking and eating for 2-3 hours;
  • No smoking for at least 3 hours after removal;
  • Do not engage in active physical labor for 24 hours;
  • Do not eat on the side of the extracted tooth, as well as refrain from hot food, hot drinks and alcohol during the day;
  • It is recommended that you refrain from brushing your teeth this evening.

If bleeding continues 3-4 hours after the procedure, you should consult a doctor.

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удаление зуба
Хочу выразить благодарность Доктору Саблевой Алине за доброе отношение, профессионализм, терпение, тактичность и золотые руки! Восхищена работой доктора! Я очень боюсь лечить зубы, но когда села в кресло, поняла, что с таким профессионалом бояться нечего. Спасибо Вам за труд!
Удаление зубов мудрости
Хочу выразить огромную благодарность Саблевой Алине Викторовне. Невероятный доктор и профессионал своего дела. После удаления, как бонус, мини-лекция по анатомии, физиологии и всех процессов восстановления. Это просто 10 из 10. Всем рекомендую только её. Доктор-любовь 😍
Удаление восьмерки
Хочу выразить огромную благодарность Саблевой Алине Викторовне и ее ассистенту!!!Шла на удаление с огромным страхом,но благодаря этим замечательным девушкам,страх пропал через пару минут общения с ними!!!Сделали все очень быстро (я не успела ничего понять),четко и профессионально!!!Получила подробную информацию по домашнему уходу и востановлению!Девочки, вы супер!!!СПАСИБО!!!