It's no secret that smoking causes irreparable harm not only to the lungs, but also to other organs and systems of the body, and is the reason for the development of many pathological processes. The bad habit of “blowing smoke” very often causes serious diseases of the oral cavity, namely stomatitis, it is also called smoker's leukoplakia.
Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, therefore, in addition to smoking, other factors play an important role: eating habits (love of spicy, sour, hot food), the use of strong alcoholic beverages, the use of certain drugs, vitamin deficiency, some allergic reactions, etc. Tobacco smoke destroys beneficial bacteria from the surface of the mucosa, microflora are disturbed, and stomatitis is formed.
Despite the fact that stomatitis is a disease that occurs in every second baby (of course, for other reasons) – heavy smokers should not let the situation go by its own accord, as this can be extremely dangerous. Therefore, treatment should be carried out in a timely manner.
Dentists at the Dudko & Sons clinic recommend taking the symptoms of stomatitis in adults seriously. Since if the irritating factor is not eliminated for a long time and proper treatment is not observed, the disease can transform into a malignant form. Tobacco smoke contains a large amount of harmful substances: nicotine, tar oils, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, ammonium, carbon monoxide, phenols. By itself, nicotine during smoking does not have a significant effect on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and respiratory tract, but purine, which is formed upon its destruction, is a very dangerous substance that has a high carcinogenic effect. Nicotine stomatitis occurs in 13% of patients with various dental diseases. Their refusal of treatment or the improper implementation of the doctor's recommendations can lead to serious complications and even cancer of the oral cavity.
Features of nicotine stomatitis in adults
Inflammation of the oral cavity, which developed as a result of regular smoking, has its own characteristics. Namely, the main focus of inflammation is located in the palate. This is due to the fact that when tightened, it is the palate that suffers the most, falling under a stream of tobacco smoke. Fortunately, our body is designed so that over time, a protective mechanism is triggered – a more dense and roughened, keratinized epithelial tissue begins to replace the normal epithelium at the site of chronic inflammation. However, such a protective reaction does not always have time to develop. Often, ulcers appear at the site of inflammation, which can be complicated by the attachment of a bacterial infection. Inflammation can also spread to the gingival mucosa, to cover the salivary glands.
Treatment for stomatitis caused by smoking?
Some people consider stomatitis a smoking companion and are convinced that it does not need treatment. Unfortunately, this is a dangerous fallacy. With the transition of the disease to the chronic stage, it is complicated by the appearance of ulcers, and this is excellent soil for the propagation of pathogens and the development of pathologies.
Therefore, when a problem occurs, most of us wonder how to treat stomatitis? First of all, it is necessary to quit smoking, thereby giving the palate an opportunity to heal and drag on healthy tissue. In no case should you let the situation drift, do not self-medicate and appear to the doctor. It is necessary to carry out therapeutic treatment of gums and sanitation of the oral cavity. You can use topical preparations, various gels.