Видео Отзывы о нашей работе
Елена - Минск
Елена - многодетная мама. Проблемы с зубами начались после беременности. Работали над улыбкой Елены: стоматолог-ортопед Янковский Максим Сергеевич и стоматолог-терапевт Цедик Татьяна Геннадьевна.
Елена - Минск
Анна Евгеньевна - Минск
Отзыв нашей пациентки после комплексной имплантации ALL-ON-6. Протезирование проводил стоматолог-ортопед - Янковский Максим Сергеевич
Анна Евгеньевна - Минск
Татьяна - Минск
Отзыв-преображение после проведённого протезирования зубов. Протезирование проводил стоматолог-ортопед Фролова Ольга Сергеевна
Татьяна - Минск
Юрий - Минск
Протезирование и имплантацию проводили: Ортопед Санкевич Владимир Иванович и Хирург Черенкевич Игорь Борисович
Юрий - Минск
Татьяна - Минск
Отзыв об установке виниров от нашей пациентки. Протезирование винирами проводил стоматолог-ортопед Мехтиев Руслан Салманович
Татьяна - Минск
Гуля - Минск
Мы попросили Гулю записать свое мнение о нашей стоматологии: Смотрите Отзыв о качестве детской стоматологии в нашем центре.
Гуля - Минск
You can leave feedback about the clinic: GoogleMaps e-mail
leave feedback
Большая благодарность доктору Янковскому Максиму, хирургу Романович Елене, администраторам, всему коллективу за профессионализм, внимание, доброжелательность, приветливость. Достойная клиника . Рекомендую
Answer from the administration:
Людмила, благодарим за ваш отзыв! Для нашей клиники и наших специалистов очень важна обратная связь от пациентов! Спасибо, что доверили нам свою улыбку 🧡
Имплантация и протезирование
Высокий профессионализм, теплая атмосфера клиники - то, хочет видеть каждый пациент. Это и даже больше я нашла в Центре стоматологической имплантации. Хочется выразить огромную благодарность стоматологу-хирургу Романович Елене Владимировне, которая с полуслова поняла мой запрос и блестяще выполнила имплантацию. Не могу не отметить работу ассистента - Ивашкевич Ирины Михайловны. Благодаря слаженной работе этого потрясающего тандема всё прошло быстро и безболезненно. Отдельные слова благодарности хочется сказать стоматологу-ортопеду Янковскому Максиму Сергеевичу, специалисту, при общении с которым, с первых слов понимаешь, что перед тобой профессионал в своем деле, внимательный, тактичный и делающий даже больше и лучше возможного. Спасибо за вновь обретенную возможность снова полноценно жевать, за внимание, за понимание, за высочайший уровень профессионализма! Обязательно буду советовать вас знакомым!
Answer from the administration:
Кристина, благодарим вас, что нашли время поделиться впечатлением от лечения в нашем стоматологическом центре! Мы искренне рады, что вы остались довольны и так высоко оценили профессионализм наших врачей! Ваш Центр стоматологической имплантации 🧡
удаление зуба
Хочу выразить благодарность Доктору Саблевой Алине за доброе отношение, профессионализм, терпение, тактичность и золотые руки! Восхищена работой доктора! Я очень боюсь лечить зубы, но когда села в кресло, поняла, что с таким профессионалом бояться нечего. Спасибо Вам за труд!
Answer from the administration:
Виолетта, благодарим за ваш отзыв и высокую оценку нашего доктора - Алины Викторовны. Такие слова помогают и другим пациентам избавляться от страха удаления зубов 🧡
Разрезание уздечки
Хочется выразить огромную благодарность врачу Пинчуку Юрию Юрьевичу и его ассистенту. Большое спасибо за его профессионализм высочайшего класса, за умение найти подход к детям, отношение к ребенку очень вежливое. Мы очень рады, что попали к такиму специалисту. Юрий Юрьевич, желаем Вам и вашей медсестре здоровья и всех благ. ОГРОМНОЕ ВАМ СПАСИБО!!! Лучше Вас мы не встречали врачей! А Вашему центру процветания!!!
Answer from the administration:
Анастасия, благодарим вас за такие слова в адрес нашей команды! Спасибо, что доверяете нам! Ваш Центр стоматологической имплантации 🧡
Ольга Александрова
Отличная клиника! Ярослав Еловой просто чудо доктор с золотыми руками! Очень довольна результатом!
Люся Станиславовна
Консультирование и лечение гингивита.
Посещение центра очень понравилось. Врач Романович Елена Владимировна, проводишая лечение, профессионально выполнила свою работу. Выражаю признательнось Ивашкевич Ирине, администраторам Ольге и Анне за отзывчивость и заботу. Отдельное спасибо за условия, созданные для инвалидов.
Удаление зубов мудрости
Хочу выразить огромную благодарность Саблевой Алине Викторовне. Невероятный доктор и профессионал своего дела. После удаления, как бонус, мини-лекция по анатомии, физиологии и всех процессов восстановления. Это просто 10 из 10. Всем рекомендую только её. Доктор-любовь 😍
Ольга, Солигорск
Установка зубных протезов на импланты
Огромная благодарность Янковскому М. С. за проделанную работу! Видно, что человек-профессионал своего дела. Внимательный, тактичный и грамотный доктор. Успехов ему в работе!
Фиксация коронки на импланте.
Хочу сказать большое человеческое спасибо Администратору Анастасии за ее профессионализм и отзывчивость! Когда все клиники Минска отказали мне в экстренной помощи, Анастасия была единственной, кто сказал: приезжайте, мы постараемся вам помочь! Предварительно сказав, что придется подождать или возможно, доктор не сможет вас принять, но это не было НЕТ, МЫ НИЧЕМ НЕ МОЖЕМ ПОМОЧЬ!!! Отдельно хочу выразить благодарность Янковскому Максиму Сергеевичу за то, что принял и помог! Спасибо за ваш профессионализм, чуткость и внимательность! По-больше бы таких врачей!!! С уважением и благодарностью, Юлия
Answer from the administration:
Юлия, благодарим вас за такие теплые слова в адрес наших сотрудников! Мы рады, что смогли вам помочь!
Хочу выразить благодарность врачу хирургу-стоматологу Саблевой Алине Викторовне за профессионализм в своем деле, за грамотно проведенную консультацию по поводу подрезания уздечки языка ребенку. Всё разъяснили, ответили на интересующие вопросы, дали рекомендации, а главное - уберегли от ненужной операции. Спасибо администратору клиники за то что нашли окошко для записи в короткие сроки и мы попали на прием к такому доктору!
Answer from the administration:
Екатерина, мы рады, что смогли вам помочь! Спасибо вам за высокую оценку нашего хирурга - Алины Викторовны!
Лечение зуба ребенку
Слова благодарности ничего значат в сравнении с тем, какие чувства переполняют меня и мою семью У меня особенный ребенок и лечение Зубов таким деткам тот еще квест. Команда взялась за ту работу, от которой отказались многие врачи. Вместе с четкостью и профессионализмом в этом центре живет человечность и душа. Огромная благодарность врачу Юлии Николаевне - Рома искусал ей все пальцы, но в ее глазах была только доброта и желание помочь, профессиональные качества вне сомнения. Медсестра Елена - готова была одной рукой держать мультики, второй голову Ромы и если бы я попросила петь вместе со мной песни для ребенка - уверена, она бы не колебалась 😂😂😂 Администраторы - заполнили за меня анкету и были так вежливы и внимательны к каждому шагу Улыбка и поддержка значат для меня так много, а вылеченный зуб это просто космос. Я рассчитывала на консультацию и приговор - наркоз, а получила тепло людей и зуб с пломбой
Удаление восьмерки
Хочу выразить огромную благодарность Саблевой Алине Викторовне и ее ассистенту!!!Шла на удаление с огромным страхом,но благодаря этим замечательным девушкам,страх пропал через пару минут общения с ними!!!Сделали все очень быстро (я не успела ничего понять),четко и профессионально!!!Получила подробную информацию по домашнему уходу и востановлению!Девочки, вы супер!!!СПАСИБО!!!
Answer from the administration:
Светлана, благодарим вас за отзыв! Для нас очень ценно, что вы избавились от страха и процедура прошла с комфортом для вас.
Лариса Хорова
Установка 4 имплантов и коронок.
Хочу поблагодарить вас за приятную атмосферу, кот. создают все - начиная с администраторов и заканчивая врачами. Спасибо всем за доступность и терпение! Светлана встретила меня словами: «Вы не захотите от нас уходить». Не верилось, но теперь скажу, что она права. Полгода ездила к вам и приятно, что всегда шли мне навстречу, учитывая, что я из другого города. Про хирурга Елового Ярослава можно говорить много хороших слов, но скажу только, что если придется еще вырывать зуб, обращусь только к нему! И помощница его супер! Отличная команда! И приятный бонус: После операции (установки 4 имплантов) дали лекарства с собой! Не надо было с перекошенным ртом ходить в аптеку! Еще хочу поблагодарить ортопеда Мехтиева Руслана за его Работу и прекрасные качества: мягкость и тактичность. Могу точно сказать, что не хочу уходить от вас в другую клинику 🤗
Установка имплантов
В Минске очень много стоматологических клиник и выбрать одну из этого списка дело непростое. И потому я очень благодарен администраторам Ольге и Анастасии которые сыграли в этом важную и самую главную роль. Благодарен хирургу Белому Максиму Григорьевичу и ассистенту Ирине которые провели операцию так легко,что я даже не успел испугаться. Что говорит о их высоком профессиональном уровне и опыте. Мне ещё не раз надо будет посетить клинику и буду очень рад новой встречи с этими замечательными людьми.
Операция "спасение безнадёжного зуба"))
Благодарю клинику "Дудко и сыновья" за профессиональный подход и качественное оборудование, позволяющее спасти неспасаемое. Особая благодарность: хирургу Еловому Ярославу Михайловичу и стоматологу-терапевту Цедик Татьяне Геннадьевне. Эти доктора не пошли лёгким путем - спасли мой безнадёжный ( по мнению специалистов других клиник) зуб от удаления. Ярослав Михайлович не стал удалять, а порекомендовал рискнуть и попробовать спасти зуб с помощью лечения под микроскопом, а Татьяна Геннадьевна провела феноменально кропотливую и качественную работу, несмотря на мизерный шанс положительного исхода. В результате зуб был не только спасён, но и восстановлен по внешнему виду, как свой и ещё лучше! Благодарю докторов и замечательную клинику "Дудко и сыновья" за неизменно качественный и профессиональный подход к каждому клиенту на протяжении долгих лет!
Лечение Зубов
Очень хочется выразить свою благодарность этой клинике, а особенно Пажлакову Павлу Анатольевичу! Врач просто Супер! Сделал мне идеальные зубки! Очень расположил к себе и я доверилась! Профессионал своего дела высшей категории! Я трусиха, но попала в руки к волшебнику и он сотворил чудо! Ни капельки не пожалела, что пришла в эту клинику! Обязательно буду рекомендовать всем знакомым! Павел Анатольевич, спасибо вам большое!!!"
Veronika Koppek – Review of Dental Prosthetics
Dental Prosthetics at 66 y.o.
I entrusted you with the most precious person to me - my mother. It was very difficult to find a solution to restore teeth at the age of 66 without harming her health. Rustam Mehtiev coped with this task 100%. Thank you very much not only for your professionalism, but also for your humane attitude. It is thanks to you that my mother is smiling again and not ashamed of her smile. Thank you for standing up for the aesthetics of prosthetics.
Tatiana – Review of Restoration of Lower Front Teeth
Restoration of Lower Front Teeth
Thank you to the "Dudko and Sons" clinic for the opportunity for quality treatment at reasonable prices. I would like to express my special thanks to Dr. Pavel Anatolievich Pozhlakov for his professionalism and friendliness.
Inessa – Feedback on implantation
I had an implant installed
I am probably one of the oldest 😊 clients of this clinic. I had an implant installed. It was so long ago that I don't even remember, maybe 12 or 15 years ago.... The founder Alexander Sergeevich performed the installation. To this day, the implant is strong and "healthy", although some are skeptical of them. I went online to see if the clinic still exists and was very happy to see that it does and is thriving. And so many positive reviews. Keep it up! Perhaps we'll meet again! 😉😊
Natalia – Feedback on the removal of milk teeth
Removal of milk teeth
Many thanks to all the staff we had the opportunity to meet. Special thanks to Yaroroslav Mikhaylovich and his assistant. The child didn't even realize what happened, but the teeth for the tooth fairy were already in her hands. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Best of luck!
Answer from the administration:
Thank you, Natalia! We are waiting for you again and will always be happy to help.
Anastasia – Review of the extraction of teeth
Removal of a tooth under a crown, removal of a wisdom tooth
I want to thank Dr. Yelovoy Y.M. for his high professionalism and competence, confident and skilled work, and a reasonable approach. Even the difficult extraction of a tooth with a crown and a wisdom tooth on the same side went smoothly. I am glad that I was advised to turn to him, and I will also recommend him. I wish him many grateful patients and continued success in his work!
Katya – Feedback on the removal of wisdom teeth
Removing two eights (wisdom teeth)
I want to express my gratitude to Lishik Yevgeniy Vladimirovich. He removed two wisdom teeth for me, and there was no pain at all. Thank you for your professionalism, attentive attitude, and kindness. He is a very good doctor, and I highly recommend him to everyone.
Answer from the administration:
Thank you so much, Catherine, for your high rating and feedback! We will be glad if you choose us again!
Natalia – Feedback on implantation
The implantation was done quickly and painlessly
I chose Dudko and Sons dentistry based on reviews, location, and consultation with an orthopedist. I really liked everything and I didn't regret coming here at all. Many thanks to the entire staff for their work, kindness, sensitivity, and, of course, professionalism. I especially want to thank surgeon Yarovyi Yaroslav Mykhailovych and orthopedist Sankevich Vladimir Ivanovich. The implantation was done quickly and painlessly. Sankevich Vladimir Ivanovich is a Master of Prosthetics, all the work was done precisely at the appointed time, the quality of work and materials is excellent, I didn't have to get used to anything, he is an attentive, patient, and highly qualified doctor!
Natalia – Feedback on the installation of two implants in the upper jaw
Placement of two implants in the upper jaw
Huge thanks to surgeon-dentist Lishik Yevgeny and his surgical nurse assistant. Months of stress and fear ended yesterday when I had two implants installed in my upper jaw, everything went very smoothly and clearly, there is almost no swelling or pain. Thank you for your hard work and professionalism.
Yana – Feedback on the removal of wisdom teeth
Removed 4 wisdom teeth ... Everything is greate! Very pleasant environment. Excellent support.
A wonderful doctor with golden hands! I had four wisdom teeth removed at once under local anesthesia (July 13, 2022). None of the 8th teeth had erupted at the time of the operation. Nevertheless, the operation went great! It was much scarier in my head than in reality. I was very anxious, but in the end, everything went much easier than expected. It took only an hour and a half! The teeth were removed perfectly. The atmosphere was very pleasant. The support was excellent. The recovery went well. I want to express my immense gratitude to Yevgeny Vladimirovich and his assistant! 5 stars!!!!
Tatyana – Feedback of tooth extraction
I regret very much that I did not immediately come to him
I want to express my immense gratitude for the attentiveness and professional work of surgeon Yelovoy Ya.M. I regret very much that I did not immediately come to him. It so happened that within 10 days I had to visit several surgeons, including for tooth extraction. And I was already in a hysterical state. I came - burst into tears. He listened very attentively and studied the X-rays. And although the decision was made to extract the tooth, the operation went a million times easier, I didn't even realize that the tooth was already removed, and I had something to compare with. Thank you so much. Special thanks to the doctor's assistant, the operating room nurse, unfortunately I don't know the position, name and surname. A sensitive professional in her field. My heartfelt thanks to you!
Nina – Feedback on prosthetics on implants
Prosthetics on implants
I searched for a long time for a clinic with good reviews and recommendations, and I don't regret choosing Dudko clinic. Although I come from Moldova, the staff is very friendly and the doctors are all professionals in their work. I want to leave a good review for the surgeon, although I don't know his name - sorry... He works very professionally and, most importantly, without pain, and after the surgery, he explained everything to me in great detail and gave good recommendations. The final work was done by the orthopedist Alexander Pavlovich, and I also give him a 10+. Many thanks to Ana, who organized assistance with transfers from the airport and back and was there for me during all five days that I spent in your clinic. I'm not saying goodbye, see you in six months.
Answer from the administration:
Thank you very much, Nina, for your feedback and kind words. We are looking forward to the next meeting!
Acute pain - treatment
My lower jaw ached terribly, I could not stand it, analgesics did not help, from the pain I could not even determine which tooth was hurting. I went to an appointment at my dentistry for a fee, where I have been going for many years. They looked there, dig deeper, removed the filling, inserted it again, took an X-ray and said - drink antibiotics, if it swells - go to cut the gum, we can do nothing else, and let go home with the same pain. Another day I climbed on the walls from pain, antibiotics and pain relievers did not help. On Sunday (few dentists work), due to acute pain, Dudko and my sons arrived at the Center. The doctor on duty V.V. Lukashevich worked. I looked for a long time, checked in different ways where the pain came from and what was wrong with me, while I lay, cried and prayed that he would find the reason. And he found it! I found a micro crack to the nerve with some micropieces! He put the medicine down and said after 5 days just go to any clinic, remove the nerve and fill the canal. Of course, the doctor is peculiar, not the courtesy itself, as is usually the case in paid places they force to lick clients, but the doctor is from God! Half an hour later, I was already crying with happiness that 4 days of hellish pain had passed, thanks to the persistent search for the mysterious cause of the unbearable pain. And whoever doesn't like doctors who do a good job, but who try to please you - go where they lick you, not the fact that there will be a result. Many thanks to V.V. Lukashevich, I ask the management to personally convey to him thanks for the restoration of the painless comfort of my life!
Answer from the administration:
Thank you very much for such a good review, Olga!
Catherine – Removal of wisdom teeth
Removal of wisdom teeth
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Yaroslav Mikhailovich for his high professionalism and attentive attitude towards patients. Doctor with golden hands. It was very scary to remove my teeth, but I am glad that I got to Yaroslav, he did everything quickly and painlessly. I will recommend this specialist to my friends and acquaintances. 10 out of 10. 👍
Answer from the administration:
Thank you very much, Ekaterina for your good feedback and appreciation! We are always glad to see you.
Irina K.
Feedback from a regular customer
I have been applying to this clinic only for three years now. During this time: I removed three wisdom teeth here, put two fillings and once did occupational hygiene and whitening, twice underwent a preventive examination. The level of service and the result of treatment cannot even be compared with conventional dentistry. I think everyone who has ever treated teeth in a free clinic will understand me. Maybe for some this is nonsense, but the offered coffee, the opportunity to call without any problems and a call from the clinic with confirmation of the appointment time made in advance - all this attentive attitude to the patient means to me no less than the prices.
Answer from the administration:
Thank you very much, Irina for your detailed review and appreciation! We are always glad to see you.
Victoria K.
До того лечилась в бесплатной поликлинике
My teeth have always been difficult. Mostly I treated them in my clinic - for free. In general - a bunch of teeth already with removed nerves. What happens to the teeth without food, naturally, no one told me anything. There are a lot of seals - 9 pieces and they crumble in turn and require replacement. In order not to go to the dentist so often, I decided to go to normal dentistry. According to the reviews, I chose "Dudko and Sons" and so far I have never regretted it. My therapist is Pavel Anatolyevich Pazhlakov. An excellent specialist and patient person. I definitely advise you to contact us!
Answer from the administration:
Thank you very much Victoria for your feedback. We are very pleased)
Anna – Feedback on the treatment of periodontitis
Treatment of periodontitis
I have visited your clinic not for the first time, and each time I have had good impressions from the visit. I express my great gratitude to Dr. Pavel Anatolyevich Pajlakov; his professional and individual approach is felt. I am grateful for the preservation of my tooth, for the careful work and attentive attitude, as well as for explaining in detail what and how he was doing. There are few such specialists now. Also, thanks to the clinic administration for their polite attitude. I sincerely wish your clinic prosperity! I will recommend you to my acquaintances. Sincerely, Anna.
Answer from the administration:
Thank you so much Anna for your great review and rating!
Alexey Toporin
Of course I recommend Dudko & Sons for your dental needs.
Life has decreed that I have visited dentists 45-50 times in 30 years. Was in Russian, Turkish, Polish, American and Lithuanian clinics. I wore braces, put an implant, put crowns, fillings, inlays, did bone grafting and much more. I do not know what I have not tried in the list of dental services. In general, I have already learned to understand clinics, materials, personnel and their services. I can say with confidence that the Dudko and Sons clinic is one of the best clinics in the world. The staff are friendly and professional. Work with the most advanced materials and suppliers. The clinic is very clean and pleasant to be there. The prices are the most reasonable. In Minsk, this is the most adequate place where you can get repairs at an affordable cost. Bottom line: of course I recommend Dudko and Sons for your dental needs.
Answer from the administration:
Thank you very much, Alexey, for review! It is very important for us. We will be happy to help you if you need dental help in the future.
Восстановление зуба
Many thanks to Pavel Anatolyevich Pazhlakov for personal approach and professionalism!
I called to find out the price, taking into account the information that the decree on the site. As a result, the prices do not correspond to reality and the price does not include the surgical procedure and the gum shaper. And the name "stage" is apparently not understood in the clinic. The price in the end is 600 rubles only for the purchase of the holder (basis). I will not appeal to a money divorce. And as for the exchange rate to prices, from April 1 in the Republic of Belarus a ban on price increases. Conclusion, pricing is not transparent and lacks trust.
Answer from the administration:
Dear Vladimir. My name is Dmitry - I manage the information that is posted on the site. Allow me to immediately apologize for misleading you through your actions. This was not done on purpose. In the process of agreeing prices posted on the site, a gross mistake was made in the preparation of its description. Indeed, the list of included works did not match the price that was published. Yesterday we reviewed all implantation services and brought them into line with the list of manipulations. Большое спасибо, что обратили на это наше внимание. Мы постараемся впредь больше не допустить такой ошибки.
Liudmila Mitsevich
Имплантация зубов
I want to express my gratitude and many thanks to the entire staff of the clinic. Very positive, attentive and friendly attitude at all stages of service. Dr. Mehdiyev Ruslan Salmanovich just saved me the train and the mood. And the surgeon Elova Yaroslav Mikhailovich, who was involved in the removal and implantation, was very attentive to my situation, offered a sparing option and very professionally conducted the operation. As usual it was. Thanks also to the assistant doctors for their sensitive attitude. This includes all dental issues.
I put a seal on my front tooth here. The doctor did everything in the best possible way, no pain and other discomfort. Satisfied with everyone.
Oleg Markov
Клиника "Дудко и сыновья"
A good and convenient clinic near the house, not an office, namely a clinic, all in one place.
Sergey Ponchenko
Dental prosthetics
Thank you for your work. And for my saved teeth.
Установка брекетов
I want to express gratitude to the clinic Dudko and sons! Thanks to you, I can fully smile again. Thank you for explaining at the first appointment how the treatment process will occur and how often you need to visit the dentist to change arches. For those who doubt to put braces or not, I want to tell my case. Firstly, I am glad that the whole installation took only some one and a half hours. I will not hide, the procedure was not the most pleasant, but the result is worth it. I had metal braces installed, which required lifting arches and visiting an orthodontist dentist once a month - one and a half. The treatment of my teeth began in June 2018, and already in August 2019, I had braces removed and a retainer installed. In general, I went through braces for almost a year and three months, but the result was already visible in the first months. As for the restrictions, they were practically nonexistent. It’s just that in the early days it wasn’t habitual to feel something on the teeth. It is very pleasing that in the clinic everyone was attentive to my treatment, from administrators to doctors. It is very pleasant that the administration of the clinic reminds of the reception. Doctors answered all my possibly stupid questions and were very patient and polite. Thanks again to the clinic for my straight teeth!
Martina Sauer
Имплантация зубов
I want to thank the staff of the Dudko & Sons clinic for their sensitive attitude to patients. I would also like to thank the dental surgeon Elovy Yaroslav for the professionalism and high-quality installation of the implant. Thank you very much to the administration of the center for organizing my stay in Belarus.
Maria Berestova
Протезирование зубов
I doubted for a long time about the use of this particular type of prosthetics. I read a lot of information on the Internet, but decided to go for a consultation with a professional. The doctor of the clinic described in detail the advantages, disadvantages, everything is very honest and open. I decided to install clasp prosthesis all the same. I have been wearing it for almost a month and am very pleased with the result. They did it clearly according to the casts, the fastenings do not rub, they do not injure. The prosthesis is almost not felt in the mouth. Yes, and they did it very quickly. The material itself is pleasant. I am very glad that I came here.
Alexey – The very first visit convinced us that we made the right choice
The very first visit convinced us that we made the right choice.
Quite by chance stumbled upon a clinic website on the Internet. We read the reviews and decided to contact them. The first visit convinced us that we were not mistaken with the choice. Competent expert advice, very comfortable atmosphere, and the location is excellent. Before implantation, a small additional examination was performed, CT was done. An implantation of two chewing teeth was done. The installation operation itself took about an hour and a half. Then they just installed a crown. The doctor worked perfectly, and false teeth can not be distinguished from real ones. Bravo. Thanks for the work.
Anna P.
Не отличишь от настоящих
Restored almost a whole dentition. 6 teeth in a row. The doctor did an excellent job. Can't tell from the real ones. How happy I am that you can forget about the prosthesis and feel free to smile). Thanks!!!
Answer from the administration:
Thank you very much for your feedback, Anna! We are always happy to help you.
Antonina P.
Протезирование зубов
Very nice stuff, glad I chose it. Not without the help of a doctor, of course. Made quickly, exactly in size. Some additional work was carried out: oral hygiene, cured neighboring teeth, set the prosthesis in place. It is not felt in the mouth, is easily remove. Really like.
Очень долго искал клинику и в итоге пришёл в Дудко и сыновья по совету знакомых.
After an unsuccessful tooth extraction, the bone began to “sag”, since I did not immediately replace the tooth. I had to resort to this technique. It was very scary, and I read a lot of negative reviews that in the case of neglect by a doctor, the consequences will be catastrophic. For a very long time, I was looking for a clinic, and as a result, I came to "Dudko and sons" on the advice of friends. I did not regret it; the doctors here are really professionals. They corrected the situation, installed the implant. Thanks
Жена посоветовала эту клинику.
After the blow, severe pain appeared, after which a slight bulge appeared. I thought that the tooth had broken, but there was an exostosis. My wife advised this clinic. I came for a consultation, was immediately sent to the picture and to the surgeon. By evening, the problem had already been eliminated). Thank you very much for your promptness.
Большое спасибо за терпение и профессионализм.
I went through the procedure in front of implantation, me was very scary, but the doctor did the job perfectly) Thank you very much for your patience and professionalism.
Alina Nikolaevna
Очень понравилось отношение к клиенту, терпеливое, внимательное.
Делали съёмное протезирование бабушке. Очень понравилось отношение к клиенту, терпеливое, внимательное. Вышло дешевле и быстрее, чем в других клиниках. Несколько раз приходили на примерку, всё подошло идеально.
Arseny – CT Scan
Fast execution, high-quality shooting. They sent the result via the Internet. Thanks.
Fast execution, high-quality shooting. They sent the result via the Internet. Thanks.