In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Protection of Consumer Rights” No. 90-3 dated January 9, 2002, the institution is obliged to establish a warranty period for paid dental services. This Regulation determines the terms of the guarantee for paid dental services and the procedure for their provision.
Guarantee is an obligation to the patient for a certain type of dental service.
Guarantee period is the time during which this obligation is fulfilled.
1. Warranty period and warranty conditions for paid dental therapeutic services.
1.1. When setting seals from composite photopolymers, a guarantee is provided for 12 months. It applies to:
- Class I according to Black, carious cavity up to ½ oral hygiene ONI-S=0.6;
- Class II according to Black, carious cavity up to ½ oral hygiene ONI-S=0.6;
- Class III according to Black, carious cavity up to ½ oral hygiene ONI-S=0.6;
- IV class according to Black, carious cavity up to ½ oral hygiene ONI-S=0.6;
- V class according to Black, carious cavity up to ½ oral hygiene ONI-S=0.6.
1.2. When placing seals from composite photopolymers, a guarantee is provided for 6 months. It applies to:
- Class I according to Black, carious cavity more than ½, oral hygiene ONI-S=0.6;
- Class II according to Black, carious cavity more than ½ oral hygiene ONI-S=0.6;
- Class III according to Black, carious cavity more than ½ oral hygiene ONI-S=0.6;
- Class IV according to Black, carious cavity more than ½ oral hygiene ONI-S=0.6;
- V class according to Black, carious cavity more than ½ oral hygiene ONI-S=0.6.
These periods are recommended for patients with single and multiple stabilized or slowly progressing caries.
With KPU 13-18 – the warranty period is reduced by 30%;
With KPU more than 18 – the warranty period is reduced by 50%.
2. Warranty is not provided in the following cases:
2.1 Oral hygiene is unsatisfactory or poor (OHI-S more than 0.6);
2.2. Endodontic treatment of teeth, as well as endodontic treatment of difficult and (or) severely curved root canals;
2.3. Teeth treated for complicated caries and retreatment;
2.4. Bite pathology: straight, open, deep, cross, mesial, distal;
2.5. Pathological wear;
2.6. Treatment of milk teeth;
2.7. Mobility of teeth I and II degrees;
2.8. The location of the carious cavity below the level of the gums, with root caries;
2.9. When whitening teeth;
2.10. With periodontal treatment;
2.11. When treating teeth that are under load from prosthetic antagonist teeth (with an irrationally chosen prosthesis design, including at the request and insistence of the patient);
2.12. With orthodontic treatment;
2.13. In the treatment of unformed teeth;
2.14. When restoring the angle and cutting edge of the tooth;
2.15. If the patient has bad habits;
2.16. The lack of distribution of the chewing load on the restored tooth, i.e. untimely prosthetics;
2.17. When treating a certain contingent (children, disabled people, pregnant women);
2.18. When restoring a tooth, if endodontic treatment was carried out in another medical institution;
2.19. With temporary delayed filling (with deep caries, with endodontic treatment);
2.20. At a preventive examination less than once every 6 months. More than 1 month delay in preventive examination by the patient will void the warranty;
3. Warranty period and warranty conditions for dental orthopedic services.
3.1. A guarantee for a period of 1 year is provided for all types of dental orthopedic structures, subject to the fulfillment of all prescriptions and recommendations of an orthopedist, as well as preventive examinations once every 6 months.
Note: if during the warranty period no correction of partial and (or) complete removable lamellar, including clasp structures was carried out, the warranty period is 6 months;
3.2. A guarantee for a period of 1 year is provided for cast, metal-ceramic, metal-acrylic structures in the frontal section of the dental arches, subject to the presence of chewing groups of teeth and (or) not restoring the chewing groups of teeth with orthopedic structures.
Note: in the absence of chewing groups of teeth and (or) restoration of chewing groups of teeth with orthopedic structures – the warranty period is 6 months;
The guarantee for the installed, osseointegrated (determined by the doctor) implant and its components is 2 years from the date of installation of the prosthesis on the implant.
4. Warranty is not provided in the following cases:
4.1. With an index of oral hygiene ONI-S more than 0.6;
4.2. If there are conditions for creating traumatic knots in the patient's cavity;
4.3. In case of destruction and (or) thinned tooth root below the gum level, in the manufacture of cast stump pin inlays;
4.4. In the presence of bad habits in patients;
4.5. With an irrationally chosen design during prosthetics, including at the request and insistence of the patient;
4.6. In the absence or untimely provision of an agreement and other documentation (certificate of a disabled person, passports, etc.) when providing orthopedic dental services;
4.7. With unsatisfactory endodontic treatment of teeth.
Note: the patient must know that possible complications, detected in a timely manner during the follow-up examination and properly eliminated by the dentist (that is, according to accepted methods), will not harm his health.