On this page you can calculate the cost of dental treatment in our clinic using this calculator.
- Select a section from the drop-down list in the first line by clicking on the arrow.
- Select the service you are interested in from the drop-down list on the second line.
- Select the tooth, segment or jaw of an adult or children bite (multiple selections are available).
- Click on the red “Add service to calculation” button.
- Repeat selection as needed.
- The “Calculation” block will store all the services you have selected.
- Please note that you do not have to send us your contact details or email to get the result, but you can get a 5% discount as a new client if you send them in the calculator form that opens after choosing the services you are interested in.
№ tooth
The cost of rubles
Attention! For many services, the scope of their application is predefined. If you have any difficulties or suggestions for using the calculator, you can send them to us using the form below and we will be happy to consider the possibility of applying your suggestion.
Sign up or Send a job offer calculator