Rechner zur Berechnung der Preise für Metallkeramikkronen und andere Dienstleistungen der Klinik „Dudko and Sons“
- Abnormal abrasion of bone tissue.
- Anomalies in the development of teeth, congenital and acquired defects.
- Phlorosis – destruction of the bone under the influence of excessive amounts of fluoride in the body. Could get in with toothpaste or low-quality drinking water.
- Aesthetic dissatisfaction with the appearance of existing crowns. Whether natural or artificial, previously installed.
- Violation of the direct function of the chewing teeth due to partial or complete destruction of the crowns. As a result, soft tissue injury, insufficient chewing of food, malocclusion.
- Wrong bite with deep incisal overlap.
- Too small incisors and lower teeth that cannot support the crown. In this case, the installation of the implant on the top is applied. Or a different prosthetics technique is chosen.
- Bruxism: involuntary strong closing of the jaws, gnashing.
- Pathologically strong abrasion of the surface, enamel.
If the abutment is not reliable, a ceramic-metal crown is installed on the implant. A metal root is implanted in the gum bone. In this way, bridges can also be installed. Any of the options is available in Minsk. The cost of a ceramic-metal crown on an artificial root is higher, but sometimes there is no other way.
How is the installation process
- The first stage is a visit to the dentist. He will conduct a routine examination, determine a treatment plan, if necessary. Send for professional ultrasonic cleaning. Do not start prosthetics in the presence of deep caries or inflammation of the root, mucous membrane, soft tissues.
- The second is the preparation of the support. The teeth are grinded, adjusted to the necessary parameters. This step may be skipped or mitigated at the discretion of the doctor.
- The third stage is the cast and manufacture of the prosthesis. Our dental laboratory employs 7 experienced technicians. You won’t have to wait long for the order to be completed. According to the cast, the most suitable artificial crown part is produced. For the duration of the work, a temporary, plastic one is installed so that in the process of wearing it can be adjusted in accordance with the anatomical features of the client. This is also an additional protection for the prepared elements of the series.
- The last step is to install a permanent structure that will last you a long time if properly maintained.
Caring for cermets
There is nothing special about this. The usual brush and paste are used, but only the movements should be different, mainly sweeping, directed upwards from the gums. Mandatory use of dental floss. Remember that under the crown, in a confined space, secondary caries can easily form. But you should not get involved in rinsing agents: some of them may have too aggressive an effect. Bone tissue can withstand it, but fragile ceramics – not always.
Sometimes a situation arises when the process breaks down. It can be a chipped edge or a chipped top. Come to our center immediately to resolve the problem promptly. The same actions are necessary if you suddenly felt minimal discomfort under the prosthesis or next to it.
The dental laboratory, which is part of our clinic, reduces several times the price of metal-ceramic dental crowns. Our dental technicians are constantly improving their skills, are learning new technologies to improve their work. And the manufacturing speed is also increasing: many dental centers spend on the production of a prosthesis on average about one and a half months. We do this twice as fast due to the lack of intermediaries.